
Showing posts with the label soft furnishings

Rainbow marble, velvet pillows, 22x22 inches

Bursts of abstract lava, my first acrylic pouring experiment on canvas turned into velvet pillows

Woven mosaic, mixed media art on velvet pillows, 22x22 inches

Relaxing in style and adding a stylish touch to your bedroom, mixed media velvet pillows. details in post.

Grey symmetry, velvet pillow, 22x22 inches

Woven mosaic.

Embroidered collage, velvet pillow, 22x22 inches

Woven mosaic, embroidery printed on velvet pillow, 20x15 inches.

Woven mosaic, punching needle embroidery artwork printed on organic cotton beanbag, limited edition, details in post.

Woven asbtract symmetry, punching needle artwork put into repeat patterns, details in post.

Woven arabesque symmetry IV, embroidery printed on velvet chair, details in post.

Woven arabesque, punching needle embroidery artwork digitally put into repeat patterns, velvet upholstered chair, details in post.

Embroidered arabesque, new limited edition of bespoke stylish yet functional chairs.

Sitting pretty, again! More stunning upholstered chairs to make a bold design statement, more details in post.

Sitting pretty, new marbled soft furnishing textiles for upholstered chairs, ottomans and foot stools, details and link below